How to Make New School Shoes Comfortable

How to Make New School Shoes Comfortable

For some kids, wearing new school shoes is a dreaded task, especially since new school shoes aren’t particularly that exciting.

Not to worry though, at Lelli Kelly Shop, we’ve outlined our top tips for transforming stiff shoes to comfortable ones ready for the new school year.

What materials are most comfortable for school shoes?

Leather is generally considered the most comfortable material for school shoes, thanks to its breathable, soft, yet durable properties.

Leather is a great material for school shoes, especially since your kids are likely to be wearing them for extended periods of time everyday. Provided the school shoes fit your kids feet, there shouldn’t be any issues of blisters or sores forming on your kids toes or heels.

How to break in new school shoes

  1. Although leather may be a great material for school shoes, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they will immediately be comfortable. Listed below are some of the best ways to break in new school shoes:Wear chunky socks - Have your kids walk around the house in their new school shoes with a pair of chunky socks on. The socks add a thick layer between their feet and the tight heels, which can help to stretch the shape of the shoe out to make them fit a bit more comfortably.

  2. Tie shoes or fastenings correctly - When trying to break in shoes, it can be tempting to do the fastenings a bit looser than normal to give your feet more room to move. However, doing them up tightly and correctly will help the shoes feet to your kids feet whilst stretching and reshaping the shoes in the process.

  3. Protect against blisters - One of the main reasons shoes don’t get broken in properly is because your feet aren’t protected correctly. This can cause blisters making it hard to keep walking in the shoes.

  4. Certain parts of school shoes are naturally stiffer, like the heel and toe area, and so it may take a bit longer for those parts to loosen up. These areas are where your kids are most likely to suffer from blisters. To prevent this, make sure their feet are properly protected with the correct socks and blister plasters to prevent any friction.

How to stop new school shoes from rubbing

There are a number of ways you can help to prevent new school shoes from rubbing on your kids feet.

Buy the right size

When it comes to shoes rubbing, one of the biggest culprits is badly fitting shoes. If your kids' school shoes are too small, they will inevitably be too small. This is when issues like blisters arise.

To help ensure you buy the right shoes, we have a dedicated sizing guide  as well as a guide on how to measure your kids feet.


Always try on both shoes

This may seem like an obvious thing to do but it is important as your kids feet may actually be slightly different sizes. For this reason, it's always important your kids try on both shoes when you’re shoe shopping.

Check that the shoes fit both of their feet more comfortably. If not, you may find that your kids might end up with blisters after a few days of wearing them.

Don't assume they will stretch

Whilst using the methods above to break in your kids school shoes, it’s important to remember that they may not always stretch. Some materials are known for being stretchy, but you shouldn’t assume that these shoes will provide long term comfort.

Instead, ensure the shoes fit your kids feet properly the very first time they try them on. This should be a good indication of whether or not they will rub later on.

How to choose the most comfortable school shoes

Deciding on the best school shoes for your kids isn’t as easy as it sounds. Listed below are a number of factors you should consider to help you choose the perfect pair:


If your child struggles to find a pair of school shoes that fit them comfortably, you may need to move away from looking at the standard sizes.

If your child has wider feet, you should look for a pair that supports this and offer comfort. Similarly, if your kid has narrow feet, look for a pair which offers a tighter fit than standard shoes. Our guide on growing room for kids shoes may also help.


Depending on the age of your child and the activities they get up to, they may prefer to have a specific type of fastening on their school shoes. If your child is young, it may be better to opt for shoes which have velcro fastenings so they can easily take off their shoes themselves comfortably.

However, for those that want to ensure they have a secure and tight fastening, lace up shoes may be a better option.


One thing which may actually affect how comfortable your kids shoes are is how durable they are. At school, your kids are more than likely to be running around on dinner and break times. This is where the durability of the shoes will be tested.

If the shoes are easily damaged, they can become uncomfortable for your kids to wear, especially if there is damage to the toe area or soles.

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